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Slugging Wrenchs

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Prime Straight Ring Type Slugging Wrench

Price: 900 INR/Unit

PRIME Straight Handle Ring Type covers sizes from 24 to 80 mm out of 15 models.

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Prime Open Jaw type Slugging Wrench

Price: 1050 INR/Piece

Prime Open Jaw Slugging Wrench are extra heavy duty precision forged and duly heat treated for a life time dependable performance. Angle head of 15 permits complete rotation in a 30 arc and proper grip on the fastener. PRIME Straight Ring Type Slugging Wrench covers sizes from 19 to 130 mm out of 41 models.

Product Image (POM )

Offset Type Slugging Wrench

Price: 1900 INR/Piece

PRIME OFFSET TYPE SLUGGING WRENCH covers sizes from 19 to 130 mm out of 40 models.